Hello, thank you for visiting.
I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science at Kansas State University, go wildcats!
I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from
University of Miami. I have a long history of working with interdisciplinary teams.
My most recent research focuses on food and agriculture ontologies as well as bio-ontologies and their applications for artificial intelligence and machine learning.
I previously worked on designing and implementing ontologies such as an ontology backend for USDA's Food Data Central, BioAssay Ontology (BAO), and Drug Target Ontology (DTO) as well as generating methods for bridging multiple domains and analysis of data using AI. My research also involves creating methodologies that allow us better acquire, represent, and reuse knowledge out of publicly available (big) data. My thesis is introducing a new methodology called KNowledge Acquisition and Representation Methodology (KNARM) that is still evolving.
Between July, 2010 and July, 2011 I worked at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics as a Researcher. My research at the Max Planck Institute focused on effective clustering algorithms for biological networks.
I received my Masters from E. Michigan University in 2010. I completed my Masters thesis on Attribute Visualization for Biological Networks in Bioinformatics Tools with Dr. Benjamin J. Keller.
I graduated from Bilkent University in Turkey with a BS degree in Computer Engineering in 2007. At Bilkent, I worked as an undergraduate research assistant for the PATIKA (Pathway Analysis Tools for Integration and Knowledge Acquisition) project under the supervision of Dr. Uğur Doğrusöz.
My research interests include analysis and representation big data, artificial intelligence, biological networks in bioinformatics tools, clustering algorithms, and bioinformatics algorithms.